Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Little Red Fire Truck

The Little Red Fire Truck

      Oh what joy was my new toy? What luck a working fire truck. Mounted on the sides were two hoses. My Dad said, “Use them only to water the roses.”
     For several  days I played outside and then my curiosity went astray.  I took my little red fire truck inside to play.  I got into my dad's top drawer, matches I found there were four. I quietly closed my bedroom door and piled paper in the middle of the floor. One by one I struck a match until the paper one did catch. My little red fire truck the flames it couldn’t douse, the fire now began to burn our house.
      Into my room came fireman Frank. On his back was a big air tank.   
     Once outside I looked all around and could see my family was all safe and sound.  The paramedics looked at my hands which were burned and said, “What a sad lesson you have learned. To be a fireman on a truck takes more than just a little luck. Firemen have to go to school. It’s there they learn to use each tool. A fireman wears special clothes. They have knee high boots with metal-tip toes. They wear a hard hat on their head. Should anything fall they’d have nothing to dread.  When it comes to fire learn all the rules and let safety be your greatest tool." 
The End
Lori Weidenbacher


  1. This story was written for my brother and his little red fire truck. I love you Bro.

  2. It is so hard for children who use their wonderful imaginations to be "The Fireman" or the "Painter" and all the curious things children want to do and then get in trouble for it.

    What a scary lesson learned for your Brother Lori, and one no-one will ever forget!

    Hopefully the scar is not to deep in his heart.
